A. Preliminary
Indonesian maritime tourism potential is incredible. Nothing in the world that has so many islands and located in the tropics is a paradise for marine tourism. Indonesia comprises 18,108 islands, with 1937 million km2 Land, Sea Area Sovereignty 3.1 million km2, Area of 2.7 million km2 EEZ Sea, Long Beach 81,000 km which is the largest country in the thousand islands of this great universe. In addition, there are 950 species of coral, 8500 species of tropical fish, 555 species of seaweed, and 18 species of seagrass beds . As a maritime nation and the world's largest archipelago, Indonesia has a rich variety of coastal and marine ecosystems that are amazing the most beautiful. Indonesia's coastal and marine areas is the ideal venue for all types of marine tourism activities and much can be done to take advantage of marine tourism. Call it like diving, surfing, sailing, rowing, fishing, swimming, swimming the strait, triathlon, traditional ceremonies sea, and water skiing.
Utilization potential of marine tourism is still not optimal and maximal in doing, due attention and government policy far more oriented to the land. The lack of government attention is evident from the absence of banking support, infrastructure development and access to remote areas and the promotion of tourism. So far the marine tourism is still not showing signs of perkembanganya. Indonesia actually has a lot of potential growth area for marine tourism area development, the absence of government support and even impressed the government has no blueprint for the management of marine tourism. Infrastructure development are not optimal and coordination between government agencies is still very weak.
Contribution of marine tourism on the world tourism in Indonesia in general is still very minimal but in neighboring countries such as Malaysia's marine tourism could contribute 60 percent of the tourism sector because the local government's support to a minimum. In addition, very unfortunate that there is no clear statistical data from the government, especially regarding foreign tourists who want to perform a tour to the homeland, so often the case of foreigners doing business with tourist visas or otherwise they do business and tourism as well.
B. Types of Marine Tourism
Type of nautical tourism throughout the archipelago as one of the new economic development in Indonesia which include:
1.(Business Tourism)
2.(Seaside Tourism)
3.(Cultural Tourism)
4. (fishing tourism),
5. (Cruise Tourism),
6. (Sport Tourism)
There are many other marine tourism in Indonesia that could be used as a new economic development and large in Indonesia. Thus for the system to the economy of marine tourism can be developed, the attention of government should be more on optimizing and effective way to develop them to be creative and innovative.
C. The idea of Method 3 IN 1
Method 3 in 1 This is the method that explains about how to build maritime tourism to become one of the new roads in developing the Indonesian economy. Indonesian marine tourism economy can be said of The Sleeping Giant Of Economics. Because as long as there is no special concern about economic development, particularly in the field of maritime tourism itself.
Method 3 In 1 itself uses a system of inter-related with each other or like a spinning wheel will always turn to achieve the goals and will stop if the wheels are no longer driven. Method 3 In 1 here is as a driver so that the wheels continue to run and is the purpose of the system. Within 3 In 1 (Three) explained that the 3 was intended to (Attract, Sell and Profitable) and 1 (One) is a maritime tourism destination.
3 In 1 (Three In One):
- Interesting that in this case how to make nautical tourism has become increasingly attractive to be visited by tourists, both foreign tourists (tourists) or tourist (wisnus). Like, access to marine tourism can be reached more easily, both in terms of transportation, Beside, telecommunications and Publication. The government also had to change from the approach of the bureaucratic system into a system entrepreurial approach. Government as the policy holder must meyiapkan a regulation / policy to support the development of marine tourism. Mapping of marine tourism potential of the Bank, namely in the form of values, characteristics, infarstruktur supporters and creating a strong quality of human resources in the field of maritime paraiwisata.
- Selling ie in this case how menciptkan economic areas, particularly in the area that are currently developing marine tourism in order to better sell, for example, provides visa-free policies on the tourists who will visit, make a good marketing strategy and creative marketing such as marine tourism objects in Indonesia Television International, in various media like the Internet and others, so that the whole world can learn about a variety of Indonesian marine tourism, facilitate the planned development of nautical tourism with tourists visiting leveler. Build facilities, such as cottages or a natural resting place, do not need big capital because usually tourists who love the natural resting place, not a luxury hotel. However, the tariff equivalent rate to a five star hotel.
- Profitable ie in this context is the goal of all the above activities. Because we are required to take advantage as much as possible. But all of them need a process and a creative and innovative strategies to achieve these benefits. In method 3 In1 (three-in-one) all the processes and strategies to achieve and take advantage as much as possible has been given and it all depends on the government and the entire community as their driving force, unable or unwilling to do so. Below is a picture Method 3 In 1 (Three In One):
Gamabar 1. Model 3 In 1 (Three In One)
Method 3 In 1 (three-in-one) was going to get more leverage and effectively used in building the economic giant of Indonesia (marine tourism) or the sleeping giant of economic sleepy. If the government changed the system used now, which always puts the development on land than at sea or small islands, which actually has more potential than the onshore. Government as the policy holder must meyiapkan a regulation / policy to support the development of marine tourism. In addition, if the program is done with maximum, then to improve the economic condition of most of the people of Indonesia who snared poverty will provide a little enlightenment for the economic system in Indonesia.
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